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The Woods Shed Jazz Club

The Woods Shed Jazz Club

           The Woods Shed



The Woods Shed- Jazz Workshop and Jam Session for all levels

Tony runs a regular jazz workshop on Monday nights in Englefield Green, west of London. The friendly venue is the Englefield Green Village Centre,  The Village Centre, Victoria Street, Englefield Green, Surrey TW20 0QX.

The workshop is open to all instruments, abilities & ages. It runs from 7.45 pm until 9.15 pm, followed by a jam session till 10.30 pm.

The cost is £10 for the workshop & jam session paid termly in advance or £12 on the door. You can just come along to the jam session at a cost of £2.

The workshop is run on a group basis & covers several areas with plenty of opportunities to play, including: rhythm, improvising ideas, common jazz chord sequences, riffs & tunes. The jam session gives you the chance to play with an accomplished rhythm section or you can just listen to the music.

More info here-

The workshop runs every Monday night, except for breaks for holidays.

Contact to book in advance

Monday7:45pm-10:30pmThe Woods Shed Jazz Club

Workshop – 7.45pm start

Jam Session – 9.15pm – 10.30pm

Location: Village Centre Cafe


Tony at the Woodshed Jazz Club is running a free concert on 10th February at the Village Centre! It will be at 8.00 pm. Come along and hear what the Woods Shed Jazz students have been working on lately. All welcome.

Let people know

The Woods Shed- Jazz Workshop and Jam Session for all levels

Tony Woods runs a regular jazz workshop on Monday nights at the Village Centre. It’s open to all instruments, abilities and ages. The club runs from 7.45 pm until 9.15 pm, followed by a jam session till 10.30 pm.

The cost is £10 for the workshop & jam session paid termly in advance, or £12 on the door. You can just come along to the jam session at a cost of £2.

The workshop is run on a group basis, covering several areas with plenty of opportunities to play, including: rhythm, improvising ideas, common jazz chord sequences, riffs & tunes. The jam session gives you the chance to play with an accomplished rhythm section or you can just listen to the music.

More information here – and

Let people know

FREE Jazz concert next Monday, 15th July! Come down to the Village Centre and listen to what we’ve been working on at the Woods Shed Jazz Workshop! Starts 8.00pm-9pm

If you’re interested in joining in at the Jazz workshops on a Monday evening, contact Tony on 07979 805454.

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